Unlimited Notes
Up to 200 notes and 50 notes per book
Split Views
Up to 5 trials
Merge notebooks
Drag & Drop(Drag & Drop content to outline & mindmaps
Export Backups & PDF
Up to 5 trials
Export to Word
Up to 5 trials
Export mindmap to MindManager
Up to 5 trials
Export outline to OmniOutliner
Up to 5 trials
Export flashcards to Anki
Up to 5 trials
Export to Evernote
Up to 5 trials
Export RTF for DEVONthink
WebDAV (Upcoming)
In-app purchase
External folders (Upcoming)
We are pleased to offer an educational discount of MarginNote to students, faculty and staff members of institutions. Please send us an email to service@marginnote.com with a mail ID ending with your school/university’s official mail address.
MarginNote offers discounted volume licenses to business and education clients.If you want to purchase MarginNote in volume, please send an email to service@marginnote.com for more details.